Set up

Causes and Configuration of CORS Errors in Django

Have you ever encountered a "CORS policy error" when trying to connect your frontend to a Django backend?This issue is p...

Django REST Framework: Why APIView is the Most Used and How to Use It Properly

Django REST Framework: Why APIView is the Most Used and How to Use It ProperlyWhen learning Django REST Framework (DRF),...

Implementing AND / OR Filtering in Django REST Framework APIView

In Django REST Framework (DRF), APIView does not support Django Filter Backend directly. Typically, Django Filter Backen...

React × Recharts: How to Implement a Pie Chart Using JSON Data for Data Visualization

When creating charts in React, Recharts is a simple and powerful library, but using it with API-fetched data requires so...

Django Rest Framework: How to Serve Data for Recharts Pie Charts

Many Django REST framework tutorials cover basic JSON responses, but they often overlook how to structure and format dat...